Other Services

Dog Washing

Charges for this service varies from £10 upwards depending on dog breed and size. Please call us for a price.
Please be aware  you  are required to make an appointment for this. appointments can be made for this services Tuesday – Saturday.
To book an appointment please call 0115 9398876 or 07786735384



Physio 4 Animals is a service provided by Melanie Butler Chartered Veterinary Physiotherapist.
Hydrotherapy can be a useful rehabiltation tool for a wide variety of problems and works best in conjunction with Physiotherapy treatment and rehabilitation to give your animal the best overall recovery. If your dog suffers from any of these conditions, physiotherapy my help


First Aid Courses

We also work in Collaboration with Animal Care Education who provide animal care courses to the public and  animal care industry.


Level 3 Certificate in Hydrotherapy for Small Animals.

Animal Care Education along side Paws 4 Hydrotherapy are now running the ABC accredited course in Small Animal Hydrotherapy. This course is a must for anyone wanting to work in the hydrotherapy industry and is a recognised qualification. If this is something you are interested in please visit the Animal Care Education website on the address below or call 07971 620816.

 for more information on the course please follow the link below


To book on the course please do so through Animal Care Education on the link below.
